Saturday, March 13, 2010

Auto Insurance After a DUI

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Your auto insurance after a DUI will be affected for several years due to the fact that you'll now be classified as 'high risk'. The first major impact you'll see in regards to your auto insurance will be the mandatory requirement that you carry what's referred to as an SR22 insurance policy for 3 years.

The SR22 insurance policy is reserved for DUI drivers when they get their drivers license back and is the highest risk policy an auto insurance company can cover. Not all employers offer this type of auto insurance either and most of the major insurance carriers will likely drop you after your DUI conviction (or whenever they find out about the DUI on your driving record) as they don't insure 'high risk' policies.

To get a high risk policy you'll most likely need to seek out smaller companies that specialize in these types of policies. These smaller companies are set up specifically to provide high risk coverage and charge as you could have guessed a bit more for their services. In some instances your auto insurance after a DUI can be at least 2 or 3 times what a 'regular' policy costs.

The thing to remember about getting auto insurance after a DUI conviction is that there are no laws in effect that regulate the premiums that are charged. What this means is that each company is free to charge whatever prices they want in order to issue you one of these high risk SR22 insurance policies. Knowing this, the best thing you can do is to comparison shop and get quoted on as many policies as you possibly can before deciding on a particular insurance provider.

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